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For successful use of Aatrizinventor free solutions, it is recommended to review the following relevant aspects, compliance with which will give you greater certainty to obtain the best solution for the innovation challenge or operational problem you want to solve:

1. You have read the Aatrizinventor Starter Manual.
2. You have identified an innovation challenge or operational problem that requires a solution and have set a desired goal to address it.
3. You have created a functional diagram of the objects involved in the innovation challenge or operational problem you are evaluating, selecting a pair of objects to evaluate: S1 and S2, in order to meet the desired goal. Keep in mind that in some challenges, there may be more than one pair of objects to evaluate.
4. You have determined Object S1, which will be the focus of the evaluation, and have determined the Space and Time in which the innovation challenge will be evaluated. Throughout this Space and Time, the variables of Object S1 that are evaluated for the current situation must have a sustained, direct or inverse proportional behavior.
5. You have identified in Object S1 the undesirable effects that cause dissatisfaction in achieving the desired goal and have associated them with the corresponding TRIZ innovation parameters ( 7 maximum). Select up to 4 undesirable effects to evaluate, and the remaining identified effects are used by the algorithm for sensitivity analysis. Keep in mind that it may be necessary to change, add, or remove a parameter if the obtained solution does not completely satisfy you.
6. You have determined a need to satisfy and have associated it with one of the 10 defined innovation parameters, accepting the possibility of evaluating another need to satisfy. It may also be necessary to evaluate another combination of entered undesirable effects, as deduced from the sensitivity analysis provided by the Aatrizinventor algorithm.
7. You have determined the physical variable or characteristic that, in the same or different state, causes the undesirable effects and the need to satisfy. This variable operates as a logical connector but is not used in the algorithm.
8. You have entered the information required by the Aatrizinventor algorithm and have obtained the 'Formulation Logic Summary' report, the reading of which should be coherent with the current situation of the innovation challenge under evaluation.
9. If you have completed the previous steps, then it is recommended to run the algorithm to obtain a Aatrizinventor Solution. To obtain a free solution you must enter the Username and Password indicated at the end of the "Formulation Logic Summary" report in the free mode.
If do you want a new free solution you must click Reset and enter the required information.
10. The Aatrizinventor Solution delivered by the algorithm is the result of the evaluation of the selected undesirable effects to evaluate (Point 5) and the selected need to satisfy (Point 6). Additionally, the solution provides a sensitivity analysis that combines all identified undesirable effects with the 10 defined needs to satisfy, allowing the evaluation of 350 viable combinations. The algorithm prioritizes 10 combinations and presents them as alternative solutions for the Innovation Team's decision. Experience teaches that, if deemed necessary, evaluating 2 or 3 of the combinations recommended by the sensitivity analysis can lead to an optimal solution.

The Specific Solution to be applied must be defined by the Innovative Team, guided by:
The applicable innovation concepts of the recommended inventive principles,
Knowledge of the current situation, and
Technological, social, or natural research that the selected innovation concepts require to be fulfilled, depending on the level of complexity presented.
Keep in mind that not all innovation concepts of an inventive principle apply to a specific innovation challenge.

The delivered solution is free to use and the responsibility of the Innovation Team that applies it with common sense in a real and physical manner, releasing and related parties from any responsibility.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The combination of universal inventive principles and your knowledge of the innovation challenge will be dynamite!

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